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Working Out on Keto + A Free 30 Day Workout Challenge

This 30 Day Workout Challenge might just be what you are looking for on your lifestyle journey with keto!


Working Out on Keto + A Free 30 Day Workout Challenge


Are you looking to start working out, but don’t know how to do it on keto? You’re not alone! Many people find themselves wondering how they can fit in a workout when they’re trying to stick to a ketogenic diet.

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I’ll be the first to admit that working out is probably my least favorite thing to do. To reach my goals, I know it is a necessity. What I do love is walking and spending time in nature. It is calming, refreshing, and if water is nearby…I am immediately energized!

About a year ago, I found a park near my home that has trails that allow you to walk right by the water. It is so peaceful and amazing! I’ve met some really great people on my walks and have even taken my friends there too.

Walking to me isn’t a workout…it’s a time for me to reflect, find peace in nature and reconnect with myself at the end of the day.

Going into this year, I knew I wanted to add more to my current walking workout so I came up with a 30 Day Workout Challenge.

Being on keto for 5 years has shown me I can reach my goals without working out, but now I want to really push forward to reach even bigger goals. So I’ve put together a simple workout plan and I want to share it with you so you can see the benefits of working out on keto too!

First of all, just because you’re on keto doesn’t mean that you should take your foot off the gas when it comes to working out. Just like any other diet, if you don’t get enough activity while following a ketogenic lifestyle then it can lead to weight-loss plateaus.


Working out will also help you get leaner and more toned muscles. And who wouldn’t want that?! In addition, when you work out on keto you’ll likely find that you have more energy and fewer cravings.

So how do you go about working out on keto? It’s actually pretty simple! Here are some basic tips for keto workouts:

  • Remember to always listen to your body and make it a point to drink plenty of water throughout the day (at least 1/2 your body weight in ounces).
  • Drink an electrolyte replacement beverage during your workouts if you feel like you are experiencing cramps. Try this homemade keto electrolyte drink or PerfectKeto Electrolyte Drinks.
  • Do not skimp on sleep! Nothing can ever replace getting enough shut-eye so make sure to prioritize this important factor.
  • Start with light cardio and gradually increase the intensity as you become more comfortable. If you’re just starting out, begin by doing light cardio for about 20 minutes. You can either walk, jog or cycle. As you become more comfortable, you can gradually increase the intensity.
  • Including strength training in your routine is key! Not only will it help you tone your body, but it will also help burn fat. Aim to do strength training at least 2-3 times a week.
  • Make sure to always include a good stretch session before and after each workout to improve flexibility.

I created a simple 30 Day Workout Challenge to help you get started. Each day includes a quick tabata style workout that can easily be done at home in no time.

What is a tabata workout?

Tabata workouts are a form of high intensity interval training (HIIT) workout sessions that last about 8 minutes and help you reach your fat loss goals. These quick sessions utilize different intensities during each round to burn the most amount of calories in a short amount of time. Each day includes a different body weight movement that will get your heart rate up.

Incorporating body weight into a workout is a great way to build lean muscle mass, increase your metabolism and burn more fat throughout the day. If you’re new to exercise, stick with exercises that use your whole body until you feel comfortable enough to add in more advanced movements.


30 Day Workout Challenge Example


Tabata 30 Day Workout Challenge


Get the printable workout challenge below.


Weekly Basic Tabata Workout Plan – increase intensity and time as you get stronger!


Simple instructions for the workouts: do 8 rounds of 20 seconds on and 10 seconds rest. Alternate between each exercise every round.


Day 1: Squats, Jumping Jacks, Plank

  • 20 sec squats
  • 10 sec jumping jacks
  • 20 sec plank pose

Day 2: Pushups, Jumping Jacks, Squats

  • 20 sec pushups
  • 10 sec jumping jacks
  • 20 sec bodyweight squats

Day 3: Burpees, Jumping Jacks, Mountain Climbers

  • 20 sec burpees
  • 10 sec jumping jacks
  • 20 sec mountain climbers (alternate legs after every rep)

Day 4: Burpees, Jumping Jacks, Lunges

  • 20 sec burpees
  • 10 sec jumping jacks
  • 20 sec reverse lunges (alternate legs after every rep)

Day 5: Squats, Jumping Jacks, High Knees

  • 20 sec squat jumps (squat down and explode up)
  • 10 sec jumping jacks
  • 20 sec high knees in place (alternate legs after every rep)

Day 6: Burpees, Jumping Jacks, Mountain Climbers

  • 20 sec burpees
  • 10 sec jumping jacks
  • 20 sec mountain climbers (alternate legs after every rep)

Day 7: Squats, Jumping Jacks, Lunges

  • 20 sec squats
  • 10 sec jumping jacks
  • 20 sec reverse lunges (alternate legs after every rep)

Day 8: Squats, Jumping Jacks, Stick Ups

  • 20 sec squat jumps (squat down and explode up)
  • 10 sec jumping jacks
  • 20 sec stick ups (alternate legs after every rep, drop to a pushup position, touch opposite hand & foot at the top of the movement)

Day 9: Burpees, Mountain Climbers, Lunges

  • 20 sec burpees
  • 20 sec mountain climbers (alternate legs after every rep)
  • 20 sec side lunges (touch opposite hand & foot at the top of the movement)

Day 10: Squats, Jumping Jacks, Star Jumps

  • 20 sec squat jumps (squat down and explode up)
  • 10 sec jumping jacks
  • 20 sec star jumps (jump as high as you can while clapping hands overhead at the top of each jump)

Day 11: Pushups, Jumping Jacks, Wall Sits

  • 20 sec pushups
  • 10 sec jumping jacks
  • 20 sec wall sits (plank position with legs & arms extended)

Day 12: Squats, Mountain Climbers, High Knees

  • 20 sec squat jumps (squat down and explode up)
  • 10 sec mountain climbers (alternate legs after every rep)
  • 10 sec high knees in place (alternate legs after every rep)

Day 13: Jumping Jacks, Plank, Lunges

  • 20 sec jumping jacks
  • 10 sec plank jacks (jump feet in & out one at a time while in plank position)
  • 10 sec side lunges (alternate legs after every rep, touch opposite hand to knee while bending over)

Day 14: Squats, Mountain Climbers, Burpees

  • 20 sec Squat Jacks ( jump feet out wide while squatting down and jumping back into a jack position)
  • 10 sec mountain climbers (alternate legs after every rep)
  • 20 sec burpees (jump feet back and drop down into a pushup position, jump feet up toward your hands, stand up)

Day 15: Pushups, Star Jumps, Plank

  • 20 sec pushup position
  • 10 sec star jumps (jump as high as you can while clapping hands overhead at the top of each jump)
  • 10 sec knee to elbow plank (start in a high plank position and bring right knee to elbow, extend leg back and repeat on left side; alternate after each rep)

Repeat for the next 15 days.

Get the printable 30 Day Workout Challenge Here


More Low Carb/Keto Diet Tips


Working Out on Keto + A Free 30 Day Workout Challenge


What is foam rolling?

Foam rolling is a form of self-myofascial release (SMR) that helps to decrease muscle tension, break up scar tissue and increase blood flow for faster recovery. Foam rollers are great because they can be used in targeted areas where you are experiencing pain or tightness.

What is the best way to stretch for a workout?

There are several different types of stretching including ballistic, passive, dynamic, and static stretching. Each type of stretch has its benefits so it’s best to include all types in your routine.

  • Ballistic Stretching – This is meant to improve athletic performance by warming up the muscles before exercise. This involves moving body parts against resistance until you reach the point of mild discomfort.
  • Dynamic Stretching – This type of stretching is more active than static stretching and it involves moving parts of your body through their full range of motion to improve mobility, flexibility, and blood flow.
  • Passive Stretching – This type of stretch is also known as relaxed stretching or static-passive stretching. This is a static stretch where you hold a position for 10-30 seconds.
  • Static Stretching – This type of stretch is the most common form of stretching and it involves holding a position without movement for 10-30 seconds.

What should I eat before my workout?

Ideally, you should eat a light snack about an hour before your workout. This could be a piece of fruit, a small handful of nuts or seeds, or a low-carb protein shake. Avoid eating anything too heavy as it will make you feel sluggish and uncomfortable.

What should I eat after my workout?

After your workout is the perfect time to make sure you get in some high-quality protein. This will help the muscles recover quickly and reduce muscle soreness. You can try eggs, fatty fish, or low-carb shakes/protein bars

What are good keto foods for working out?

Getting enough fat on a ketogenic diet is super important when it comes to working out. Try to focus on getting healthy fats from sources like avocado, coconut oil, salmon, nuts, and seeds.

What are some snacks that are keto-friendly?

When you’re eating low carb it’s best to stick to real foods over processed/packaged snacks. Snacks should ideally be high in protein and healthy fats. Some good options include boiled eggs, cheese sticks, celery with peanut butter, or a small handful of nuts/seeds.

Working out on keto doesn’t have to be complicated or time-consuming. By following these simple tips, you can create a basic workout plan that will help you reach your fitness goals!

The bottom line is that there are many benefits to working out on keto. You’ll find that you have more energy, fewer cravings, and a leaner body. Just make sure to listen to your body and drink plenty of water!

There you have it! A basic weekly tabata style workout plan to help get you started with keto workouts. Even if you’re a beginner, this plans is suitable for pretty much everyone and can be modified based on your needs and fitness level. Have fun working out while staying keto!


Be sure to pin this Tabata 30 Day Workout Challenge for later!

Working Out on Keto + A Free 30 Day Workout Challenge

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